Thursday, August 24, 2006

This is Quincy's big boy bed (and yes, he has his sister's bib on)

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This is Mariana's "monkey face"

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Fun pics with Aunt Chantel

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Road Trip!

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Fun pics with Aunt Chantel

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Quincy with Jade, Uncle Jered & Aunt Chantel's doggy

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Mariana & Quincy with Jade, Uncle Jered & Aunt Chantel's doggy

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Quincy & Mariana at the Classy Cat BBQ

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Monday, August 14, 2006

Attack of the Buchanan kids!

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Quincy and lil Jamal

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Mariana having fun with Aunt Alicia

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Quincy with his grandmas

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Visiting with Abuelo and Abuela

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