Monday, October 31, 2005

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Check out all my fun pictures and video
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Halloween Video

Here is some footage of my first Halloween. I wasn't able to actually trick-or-treat due to some nasty rain but I did run around the house in the cutest costume ever! Check me out. And there are plenty more pictures below.

Here is my big halloween costume, I'm a duck! Posted by Picasa

Me and my first pumpkin (courtesy of daddy) Posted by Picasa

I really do like this costume Posted by Picasa

Mr. Duck Posted by Picasa

Checking out daddy's creation Posted by Picasa

I love this outfit! Posted by Picasa

A little duck and mommy Posted by Picasa

Me and daddy Posted by Picasa

QMB Posted by Picasa

My dad did such a good job on my pumpkin! Posted by Picasa

Look, I'm a "No limit soldier" Posted by Picasa

Hanging out Posted by Picasa

Doing tricks on my car Posted by Picasa

Tearing up my toys Posted by Picasa

Looking innocent Posted by Picasa

HUH? Posted by Picasa

QMB Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Daddy swinging me Posted by Picasa

Getting a little scared Posted by Picasa

Waiting to slide Posted by Picasa

Me and daddy going down the slide Posted by Picasa

I'm driving like mommy and daddy Posted by Picasa

I can do this without looking! Posted by Picasa

I want one of these at home! Posted by Picasa