Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Mariana's 4 month check up

As you can see, time is flying by. Mariana is already 4 months old (well almost 5 months now but I waited so long to post this) and she is growing by the day! Her check up revealed that she is a healthy 4 month old with the following stats:

Weight: 13lbs 3ozs
Height: 25 inches

These stats put her in the 50th percentile for her weight and the 95th percentile for her height (imagine that). The funniest part is that her itty bitty head puts her in the 5th percentile for head size. I wonder where she gets that from? :)

We just wanted to keep you guys posted on lil mama's development.

Natacha & Quentin

Monday, March 13, 2006

Update from the Buchanans

Hello everyone! It has been a while since we have updated the website. As you will notice, the kids are growing like crazy! Mariana is 4 months old and Quincy is 17 months. Everyday somebody does something new.

Mariana is holding her little head up and trying to roll over.
Quincy is starting to build his vocabulary and I'm sure will be speaking too much any day now.

We will be making the move back to Oklahoma in May. We are very excited about getting to see everyone more often.

P.S. I apologize for the lack of commentary with the pictures. The program I used to use is acting up. But I'm sure you all didn't come to this website for my cute antics. :)

Natacha, Quentin, Quincy & Mariana

Daddy & Mommy with their babies

Big/Lil man of the house

Cutie in a skirt!

Mariana in her school girl dress

Pretty as a butterfly

Big Brother and Lil Sister

Mariana cute in Khaki

Mariana in her cute church dress from abuela

An upset Quincy

Mariana "Pretty in Pink Jeans"